de en


We are the K2-Bar in the student dorm Kawo2. We will open every Tuesday at 22 o’clock (10pm), to gratify the desire for cool drinks and good musik.

We are well equipped and could offer:

On the first Tuesday of the month there is the rock bar, which involves good rock music with selfmade spicy Mexikaner shots. For other partys and special events have a look for flyers and posters in the entrances of the houses.

You are resident of Kawo2 and are interested in helping? Look for the Barversammlungen or approach us on tuesdays!

You are a member of Kawo2 e.V. (association) and would like to rent the bar rooms for a private party? Write an e-mail to and we will come back to you with the details. At the moment the rooms are only available on one Friday and one Saturday per month. You have to ask at least three weeks in advance.

We always search for new helping hands that are supporting us voluntary!

Yours, K2-Bar Team!